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A cubic is an algebraic
curve of degree 3.
A cubic always has real points and we will assume that
it is not decomposed into a conic and a line.
There exists two large classes of cubics:
- the elliptic
cubics, without singularities (genus 1),
- the rational
cubics, with a singularity (genus 0).
Newton proved that any cubic is projectively equivalent
to a divergent
parabola, with equation: .
The cubic is then elliptic if and only if
three real roots), the curve is composed of an infinite branch and an oval.
only one real root), the curve is only composed of an infinite branch.
In the elliptic case, every value of D
gives a projective equivalence class.
In the rational case (),
there are three equivalence classes:
- the crunodal cubics, which have a double point
with real tangents, such as
- the acnodal cubics, which have an isolated double
point (imaginary tangents), such as
- the cuspidal cubics, which have a cuspidal point
of the first kind, such as .
The divergent parabolas, the cubic hyperbolas, and the cubics of Chasles are families of cubics, and every one of them include these three types of cubics.
See here
a website that lists all the cubics linked to the triangle.
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© Robert FERRÉOL 2017