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Surface definied by Bouguer in 1734, and studied by Bossut in 1778.
Reference : Benvenuto Edoardo, An introduction to the history of structural mechanic, part II, vaulted structures and elastic systems, pages 344 to 348.

Cylindrical equation : , where , solution of the differential equation :  (the catenary being solution of ).

Le dôme de Bouguer est la forme prise par une structure de pierres jointives tenant par leur propre poids à symétrie de révolution (alors que la surface en forme de U ayant la même propriété a une section de chaînette).
The Bouguer dome is the form taken by a structure of contiguous stones holding by their own weight with a symmetry of revolution (while the U-shaped surface with the same property has a catenary section).

Example of a borie, dry stone hut with corbelled vault on a circular plan, in Bonnieux (Vaucluse, France).
Author: Dominique Repérant 

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