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Other name: ovaloid.
YouTube video on finding the equation of a bird's egg profile :
Paper :

An ovoid is a surface shaped like an egg.
In a general fashion, we can give the following definition: surface of class C1, boundary of a bounded convex subset of space. Then, a closed surface of class C1 all the points of which are elliptic is an ovoid.

To come closer to an egg, we can give the following definition:
Cylindrical equation:  where 

1)  with g positive, C1 on ]a, b[,

2)  concave on [a, b] .

Profile of the corresponding egg, curve y²=f(x).

the ellipsoid of revolution (, k being the flattening of the ellipse), opposite with k = 3/4
the Kepler ovoid, the profile of which is a simple folium (, a = 0, b = 1)
the ovoid with profile half a double egg (, a = 0, b = 1)
the ovoid with profile the oval of the cubical hyperbola with an oval, or Hügelschäffer egg ( , 0 < a < b ), opposite with a = 1, b = 2, k = 3/4
the ovoid with profile the Granville egg (, 0 < a < b) , opposite with a = 4, b = 6, k = 4
the ovoid with profile the Rosillo curve (, b = –a, a < c < d ), 
opposite with a = 1, c = 2, d = 3
A. de Quay proposed  for k = 3, r = 4, d = 5 (3,4 ; 0,5)
Simon Cadrin proposed , with a=1, b=3 ; Cartesian equation of the profile: .

See also the Cartesian ovals, the Ehrhart eggs, the curves of the slider-crank mechanism, the right folia.

For a list of egg-like curves:
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© Robert FERRÉOL 2017