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From latin ovum "egg".

An oval is a curve shaped like an egg.
In a general fashion, we can give the following definition: curve of class C1 , boundary of a bounded convex subset of plane. Then, a closed curve of class C1  all the points of which have a positive curvature is an oval.

By restricting ourselves to curves having an axis of symmetry, we can give the definition:
Cartesian equation :  où 

1)  with positive g, C1 on ]a, b[,

2)  concave on [a, b] .

Examples that fit this definition:
ellipse (, k being the flattening of the ellipse), opposite with k = 3/4
Tolstoy oval (), special case of Cassini oval
simple folium  (, a = 0, b = 1)
half a dobble egg (, a = 0, b = 1)
oval of the cubical hyperbola with an oval ( , 0 < a < b ), ci-contre avec a = 1, b = 2, k = 3/4
Granville egg (, 0 < a < b) , ci-contre avec a = 4, b = 6, k = 4
Rosillo curve (, b = – a, a < c < d ), ci-contre avec a = 1, c = 2, d = 3

See also the Cartesian ovals, the Ehrhart eggs, the curves of the slider-crank mechanism, the right folia, the ovoïds obtained by rotation of an oval.

For a list of egg-like curves:
next curve pervious curve 2D curves 3D curves surfaces fractals polyhedra

© Robert FERRÉOL  2024